Legal Complaint of James Smith, Clerk of Police of the Burgh of Banff, 1865
Object numberB4329
TitleLegal Complaint of James Smith, Clerk of Police of the Burgh of Banff, 1865
Creator James Smith (Clerk of Police)
DescriptionComplaint by James Smith, Clerk of Police of the Burgh of Banff, against William Morrison, son of shoemaker James Morrison of Banff, accused of having 'played football or some other game to the complainer unknown, to the annoyance of the inhabitants.' and his wooden football having broken a glass pane of the shop belonging to William Ellis, Druggist. James Morrison admitted the offence, but the court acknowledged the damage was not done wilfully and admonished him without imposing a fine. Dated 15th April, 1865 and 17th April, 1865.
Production placeBurgh of Banff
Production date 1865-04-15 - 1865-04-17
Production period19th century
Object namedocument, legal complaint
- height: 33.8 cm
width: 20.9 cm